011 346 0214,   076 956 6739



reg: K2016122145


100% Fruit Juice

No Sugar Added

Our 100% Fruit Juices are freshly made from 100% Juice pulps and are expertly blended with deflavoured apple juice from some of the best selections around South Africa.

Our 100% Fruit Juice range is bottled in 5 Litres, 1.5 Litres, 500 ml and 350 ml bottles. The 500 ml and 350 ml are bottled with a sportscap for all types of users.

Flavours: Apple, Breakfast Punch, Cocktail, Cranberry, Granadilla, Grapes, Guava, Litchi, Mango, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Mango/Orange, strawberry, Tropical.



Purified Water

Our purified water is prepared using the reversed osmosis process for exceptional quality, taste and texture.

All our products are prepared in highly hygienic conditions, and with great care to keep with all professional standards to ensure value for your money.




Calcium (Ca)                1.5

Magnesium (Mg)        0.8

Sodium (Na)                3.2

Potassium (k)              0.8

Chloride (Cl)                3.2

Sulphate (So4)            0.6

Alcalinity (CoCo3)       11

Floride (F)                  <0.1

Nitrate (N)                 <0.1

Iron (Fe)                     <0.1

Aluminum (A)            <0.1

TDS                                21

PH                                 6.8



Ice Cubes

Our ice cubes are prepared from very clean osmosis prepared purified water, and come in the following sizes:3kg, 8kg, and 10kg.  

Copyright 2016 Katso 100% Juice & Mineral Water

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